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Solar Film for Home Windows: Benefits, Types, and Installation

The hot weather around us recently means you need to think about how to minimize the heat entering the room. One way to minimize heat in a room is to use solar films on windows. The following is an explanation of the benefits, types, and installation of solar film for home windows.

Benefits of Solar Film

1. Heat Reduction

The solar film has various functions, including reducing indoor heat. This object, which is specially designed to protect you from exposure to sunlight, is very helpful in reducing heat in the room so that you are more comfortable in your activities.

2. UV Protection

Apart from reducing indoor heat, solar film is also useful for protecting you from excess UV rays. Exposure to UV rays from outside will be blocked by the presence of solar film in your room. You will benefit from this solar film.

You need to protect yourself from excessive exposure to UV rays because excessive exposure to sunlight will increase your risk of developing various problems. Various problems that can be caused by excessive exposure to UV rays include eye health problems, skin health problems, and even skin cancer.

Apart from threatening your health if you are exposed to excessive UV rays, UV rays can also have other negative effects on the furniture in your room. The longer your furniture is exposed to UV rays, the worse the condition of the furniture will become. As a result, the furniture you own will not last long and is easily damaged.

3. Energy Efficiency

As previously explained, solar films function to reduce heat in the room. This means you don’t need to use a cooler indoors. Not having indoor air conditioning can be an option to save energy.

4. Glare Reduction

The solar film has a layer that can block sunlight from entering the room. Because of this, solar film can reduce glare caused by sunlight entering the room. If there is no glare, you will carry out activities comfortably.

5. Privacy

The solar film tends to prevent outsiders from seeing the inside of the room. This means that no one can see your activities in detail in a room equipped with solar film. This of course protects your privacy and that of other room occupants well.

Currently, there are many solar films you can choose from on the market. Solar films on the market today have their offerings and advantages, such as varying transparency percentages. If you need maximum privacy, you can choose a solar film that offers the least transparency.

Types of Solar Film

1. Ceramic Film

Enhancing heat rejection performance to the maximum, the LUXECOOL Ceramic Series examines conventional nano-ceramic ITO technology. To attain a low deterioration factor and performance fading rate, this series also incorporates inorganic chemicals. 

2. Nano-Ceramic Film

Nano-ceramic film can reject heat entering the room very well. This solar film has the advantage, namely that the color from the outside looks the darkest. However, you need to understand that this solar film has drawbacks, namely that visibility from the inside is still lacking. Therefore, this film is suitable for those of you who need 100% privacy protection.

3. Reflective Film

The LUXECOOL Reflective Series solar films are made with improved dyed metalized technology to produce high-performing films with outstanding optical clarity and ultra-reflectivity that may be used for both privacy and ornamental purposes. This selection of films offers the highest levels of heat rejection and glare reduction.

4. Avant Series

LUXECOOL Avant Series is capable of decreasing heat penetration, and glare, and protects your items against UV rays. Technology improvement research is a constant process, being the entry-grade solar film series using conventional manufacturing methods. 

5. Supreme Series

The most cutting-edge nanotechnology is employed to develop LUXECOOL Supreme Series solar films, which use ceramic compounds mixed with sputtering methods on the outer layer. It has better heat-reflecting components than traditional colored and ceramic solar films, which results in less heat absorption.

Installation of Solar Film

1. Surface Preparation

The first stage in installing solar film for home windows is preparing the surface. You need to make sure that the glass is smooth, even, clean, and dry. The temperature when you install it must be ensured to be in the range of 10°C to 37,7°C. You also need to pay attention that solar film cannot be installed directly above or next to a heating source.

2. Film Cutting

Measure the size of the windows after they have been cleaned and dried, then cut the window film 1 inch larger than the window size. To cut the window film, use sharp straight-edge razor blades only—dull blades risk tearing the film. To get clean cuts, change the blade after cutting 3 meters of window film. 

3. Application Solution

The entire application area is then sprayed with the solution, and it is then cleaned with a lint-free towel. Until it is clean, you must repeat this. Spray the mixture next to a window or other flat surface close to the application area. Then, to remove the liner, lay the liner side down onto the moistened surface.

The back liner needs to be carefully removed. Spray the solution onto the sticky side up as you peel it off. Peel off the coating and keep spraying until the entire adhesive side is coated. If it’s been wiped dry, spray the entire application area once again. With no liner present, take the graphic out of the preparation area and press the sticky side against the application area.

4. Film Application

The solar film is applied to the window as the next step. To carefully peel the adhesive side from the film, refer to the instruction manual. Place the film onto the window surface after removing the top five to ten cm of liner.

Once the film is appropriately positioned on the top portion of the window, start by applying it above the corners of the glass. Then, start gradually peeling off the remaining film adhesive.

5. Trimming and Squeegeeing

Next, use a rubber cleaning tool to complete the task. To squeeze out the water at this stage, work your way outward from the center. Do it horizontally first, then vertically. If lifting and moving the graph, be sure to cover these areas with the solution.

After that, trim the overlap along the edges using a razor with a new blade. After that, you can clean it with the suggested cleanser and dry it with a lint-free cloth.

6. Drying and Curing

After you have carried out the steps above, you only need to wait a few days for the solar film applied to your windows to dry. If it has dried well, the solar film will stick completely to the surface of your glass.

7. Final Inspection

If you use the services of a professional solar film installer, the installer will polish the installed film thoroughly. When the installation is complete, the installer will gather the equipment and materials, clean the room if necessary, and return it to the state it was in before it arrived. However, you can still do the same things that professionals do.

There are many types of solar film for home windows that you can choose from on various platforms. Every solar film offered on the market always has its advantages and limitations. Therefore, you need to be wise in choosing a solar film brand with superior quality, such as LUXECOOL which has a variety of premium solar films for you.

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